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Are you a Pinball hoarder


Site Supporter
10 Years
Feb 10, 2012
Theres a lot in the news this week about hoarding. A couple have even received a suspended sentence for hoarding. Next month hoarding is going to be classified as a mental illness.
A very good indicator of hoarding is if a room in your house can no longer function as designed due to the amount of hoarded stuff in that room.
Hmm it appears I have a mental illness an am a hoarder as I have a living room full of pins that you cant live in and a conservatory full of pins that I cant conserve in ?? And my illness has started to spill over into other peoples houses.
My illness is spreading, is yours?
Yup it spreads. First one room, now 2. Worse still another machine stashed at someone else's place which in turn has fed their addiction and they've bought 3 so far this year. Someone else came by 2 months ago and has now gone from 2 to 4 and are in the process of buying a bigger house to then scale up their collection. I remember thinking that Matt Adams had way too many machines when I went there last month and then the penny dropped that he only has 1 more than me. :oops:
At least I've now got them all set up but I know 2 months down the line there'll be another one sat on it's end in the corner of a room. To get to the back door or the plug sockets now involves crawling under the machines like some commando training exercise.
Also bags and bags of old balls, No idea what to do with them. I know I should just chuck them in the bin but for some reasons have them for "emergencies". What that emergency is I'm not sure but one day I'll need 100 pitted steel balls for something. And don't get me started on the box of slightly worn rubbers that might just come in handy if another one breaks and the stash of broken plastics which I've replaced but for some reason kept the original broken ones.
I just had a very close scrape with another machine, thankfully I realised in time that I didn't like the game that much. Unfortunately I've now convinced myself I've got space for 4 - so I'm on the look out for a Creach!!
No, I wouldn't be even if I had the room. I know my limits.

Oh, and I like the line "a conservatory I can't conserve in" :)
Ouch, some of you guys have it bad, but very understandable in this hobby :)

If anyone would like to hoard a pin at my place, feel free :D
Hmmm pinball in the bedroom anyone? Yep that would be me due to my strained living arrangements at the moment. Along with a Naomi arcade candy cab and pachislo. I also seem to have 7 pachinko, a pachislo residing in the spare bedroom and a pin at a friend's and I keep looking for more.
At this stage I would like to point out that my living arrangements were strained before this and siting of these machines a result and not vice versa.
I used to have some lovely cane conservatory furniture. A double seat, 2 chairs a table and stool. All gone to make way for pins. The living room had a leather settee. Gone to make way for pins.
Ive never ever sold a pin. I swopped one once for another but the number never decreases. I nearly bought a taxi but had no room. That isnt so much of a problem now im spreading out into the neighbours.
Im always on the lookout for my next fix lol.
Looking for a poorley black rose or blackwater 100 to breath new life into and feed my illness
There's always room for a Black Rose Gaz ;). Nice cheapy that one. You need to pull yer finger out and get that outbuilding finished !

The missus here is slowly getting 'converted'. Says I can put another in the living room now the games (ex dining) room is full, so long as she likes the theme of it..., which probably means anything horror based.
The living room had a leather settee. Gone to make way for pins.

is that the one i kipped on? is that room now an arcade then? where are they all - remember the ACDC we played on, and i remember seeing the SS and maybe a TAF in the conservatory that we didn't have time to play, perhaps with another one.
I thought I was ok, then realised that most of my machines are at other peoples houses.
Now I think I also have a problem, having said that its a great problem to have.
Dan nay worry. I have another living room with leather settee that you slept on that is currently pin free. You have first reserve for nlp replay.
John yes i need to get on with the games room. Currently i need a very large wheel barrowimage.jpg
Hah, more like a dumper truck. That is one big pile of ****.... so where's the hole?
Theres no hole just levelness where the garden used to slope. A mate scraped it all with a jcb and we figured a lorry with hyab grab would be more cost effective than many skips. The longer its there though the more people knock asking can they take some top soil.
Another pile awaits when the footings are dug, though might dig a hole to bury all that :)
Hmmm pinball in the bedroom anyone? Yep that would be me due to my strained living arrangements at the moment. Along with a Naomi arcade candy cab and pachislo. I also seem to have 7 pachinko, a pachislo residing in the spare bedroom and a pin at a friend's and I keep looking for more.
At this stage I would like to point out that my living arrangements were strained before this and siting of these machines a result and not vice versa.
I'm surprised with that lot in your bedroom that the floor isnt more than a little strained...!!! ;)
Theres a lot in the news this week about hoarding. A couple have even received a suspended sentence for hoarding. Next month hoarding is going to be classified as a mental illness.
A very good indicator of hoarding is if a room in your house can no longer function as designed due to the amount of hoarded stuff in that room.
Hmm it appears I have a mental illness an am a hoarder as I have a living room full of pins that you cant live in and a conservatory full of pins that I cant conserve in ?? And my illness has started to spill over into other peoples houses.
My illness is spreading, is yours?

I have one at a mates,one at my brothers and my latest "project" is at Daz's.

Pins in two rooms at the house,and finally down to below a dozen pins tho that will change again(hopefully)end of June :)
Chris next month you will officially be mentally ill.

Hey maybe we can claim some benefit? Im sure someone else posed that very question not long ago.

Well Mr Moose whats the problem? Well Doc I have this itching around pay day and I need a new pin.
I never noticed the pay day itch, for me so far it has been the ability to spot where one might fit. I then talk her into saying yes but I know I am only a step away from just buying one with talking about it.
Hmmm two pins in my bedroom, two in my living room and eight stored in the garage. I think I may be a horder...

There were three games in my living room until last week, but I had to take one out and refit the door which I had taken off the hinges as the landlord wanted to check round the place and I didn't want the riot act read to me again and get kicked out of the place.

Just bought two more games after trying for months to slim down my collection, so back up to a round dozen again.

Yes I think I have a problem....
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