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Are You A Collector Or A Player ?


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I know we all collect games but do you buy them to polish, mod and look at them ? Or do you buy them, get them working perfectly then play the hell out of them ?

Just to add.
We all obviously have a collection of games but my question was specifically aimed at why do you collect your games ?
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I'm a playa :D

View attachment 42282

But I also collect pinball machines :thumbs: I would say I've moved more towards being a fixer than anything else at the moment....I've definitely lost interest in competitive play for now :(
I no longer compete but I only own my games to play them.
I've spoken to enthusiasts and they seem more interested in what mods are on a game than how it plays or what the highest score is.
Horses for courses of course but if I ever stopped playing they would all be sold. Probably why I have never been all that fussed about having to own the so called triple 'A' titles. Monster Bash is fun but a lot of money for a game I would complete within a week.
I'd love to be a collector. Unfortunately if i was I'd only ever have 3 pins tops and I'd never experience any other pins. Space is a big factor in this for me. Also the money tied up in a pin goes towards the next. Slowly building and moving up the ladder of progression. 2 years ago 1k to spend on my first pin was a huge amount of money for a 'toy'. Now i think i have around 7k tied up in pinball. That's nothing for quite a few of you looking at those collections! I wish i was into it a few years before when the prices were alot lower. At least then you're buying and selling at a similar rate of inflation.
I hope I am both, I love collecting but play pins aswell.
Although I have a few pins I only play 3 different ones at a time and normally for a long time, i.e twd for maybe 6 months or more with afm, and sopranos at work.
a lot of my pins i have not played apart from testing them, but intend to play them 1 day, or when i retire.
I also love tinkering but am not very good at it :D:D:D
Don't have the space or budget to be a collector, I'd also rather play machines than gorp at how pretty they are :D
You're last sentence hits the nail on the head for me. I once asked someone (who had all the most expensive Bally/Williams games) how often he played Medieval Madness. "Oh I don't play it. " he replied. "Why do you have it then ?" I asked. "Because it is one of the best games ever. "
Bloody expensive, big ornaments those. :hmm:
You're last sentence hits the nail on the head for me. I once asked someone (who had all the most expensive Bally/Williams games) how often he played Medieval Madness. "Oh I don't play it. " he replied. "Why do you have it then ?" I asked. "Because it is one of the best games ever. "
Bloody expensive, big ornaments those. :hmm:
I agree. Might as well be sold to somebody who is going to play it. Just a personal view. I suppose if you have the money and want to keep it as an ornament and talking point that's fine. "Please do not touch"
I agree. Might as well be sold to somebody who is going to play it. Just a personal view. I suppose if you have the money and want to keep it as an ornament and talking point that's fine. "Please do not touch"
Folk can obviously do what they wish with their games but they were designed to be played.
Both. Play 'em, without studying all the rules or trying to compete seriously, but love the thrill of the hunt when space permits. I can buy a machine simply for the art, how it looks, sounds and/or if never seen one anywhere before and don't give a **** what the rules or gameplay are like.

Bit like @ronsplooter, spend far more time working on 'em than playing these days and struggling to let anything go now in my current line up.
I only ever buy any game if I know it is going to be a great player - can't be bothered otherwise. That said, will then try and find a real nice example if possible. But if a game doesn't keep giving me a buzz while playing it - it gets sold:cool:
More of a collector, never been a good enough player, bear in mind the BTTF I played at a friends house was the most I'd ever played pinball and that was 8 years ago. A trip to Arcade Club Christmas 2015 with about another hour or two spent on pins and the penny dropped. That was when I decided I wanted at least one pin and there were a few videos that I rarely play and enjoyed less so those were (are) going. I'm not a compeditive person and hate losing to other people so I'd rather not play! I play for the enjoyment, they are amusements after all but I enjoy the challenge of chasing down a machine, repair, restoration and admiring a super cool toy that I can play when I want.

So more collector really, space is an issue for me as is the funds (of course!) a pin has to be attractive with an appealing theme or the best game play in the world wouldn't make me want it. Music, sound and callout's, cool playfield toys help sell a pin to me too! I'm not really a Metallica fan but that pin rules! :cool:
I'm more of a player than collector. Most collectors wouldn't have my machines anywhere near their collection.

I'm determined to start doing better at competitive play, but I just seem to be a bit too rubbish. I am going to try my hardest to win a proper trophy this year by entering as many comps as I can. Not sure it will work, but you've got to be in it to win it.

Either way I promise not to cry and make a scene like my daughter did at the christmas cracker when she didn't win a trophy either... :oops: Bless her.
It's hard to beat that feeling when everything come together, when the worlds line up and bring you that perfect ball on a game that you love. I still get that warm feeling inside like the first time I was in the green man and I got multiball on TAF :eek:. I live for those moments so I'm a player.

As I've got older I get a similar rush taking a game that I loved that's seen better days and turning her into a stunner again. The restorations are becoming bigger and longer and better hopefully achieving that holy grail of MINTER. Not that fake mint that when you look closely it's got cheap parts or corners cut, the true beautiful machine. Then when it's done I can enjoy all that hard work playing, in wait for that perfect game.

I usually find I eventually tire of the game so I help find it a new home so I can have the double buzz with a new game that I find, so I'm no hoarder.

The sad part that I struggle with of late is that those older games, the ones we all loved in the pubs when we were growing up are becoming hard to find so I do get an urge to hold onto it just in case it's the last time you have it in your collection. That said I've got limited space and I can hear ACDC calling my name so when my SM and IJ restorations are finished and the games played dry up one will be moving on so I can start the journey on the highway to hell :clap:

Too many good games out there and I've sadly not got enough room so thank god I'm a PLAYER and not a HOARDER
I like to play, but recently just don't have the time . I find that a I have to be in the right frame of mind to play.. something I've been lacking in recently.
Although when I do manage to sneak a game in Nothing beats the build up to Multi ball on TAF, well maybe the GhostBusters Multi intro..

Pinball is a socialable thing as well. Need to have people round to set a high score so that I have the incentive to try and beat it. Gets boring trying to beat your own high score...
I like to play, but recently just don't have the time . I find that a I have to be in the right frame of mind to play.. something I've been lacking in recently.
Although when I do manage to sneak a game in Nothing beats the build up to Multi ball on TAF, well maybe the GhostBusters Multi intro..

Pinball is a socialable thing as well. Need to have people round to set a high score so that I have the incentive to try and beat it. Gets boring trying to beat your own high score...

Guess it doesnt matter if you have the greatest pin lineup possible, games get stagnant after a while.

Should really move them all on and go for battered Z listers instead. Just getting a ball to drain without meltdown will be an achievment in itself. Imagine....:D
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