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Arcade Club - Bury/Leeds


Apr 25, 2019
UK - West Midlands
Planning a trip to Arcade Club and noticed they now have two venues. Any one been to the new Leeds venue as well as the Bury site?

What’s the general number of pins at each place? Have heard the pins are not as plentiful as one might like or in especially tip-top condition but would still like to pick the venue that has the most machines installed.

Many thanks.

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If memory serves me correct there are around 8-10 pins in bury don’t know about Leeds though

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Actually, out of curiosity whose the operator who supplies the machines to Arcade Club?

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I've not had much luck at Bury, we go regularly and more than often the majority have faults or are not working at all. I've yet to see STTNG running at all but TZ and TAF are usually up and running.
About 10 pins at Bury on the 2nd floor in a separate room although as others have said a lot of them are in rough condition. There were 3 pins at Leeds when I went up for the opening weekend, TNA, TWD and Baby Pacman from what I remember. I wouldn't make a special trip to either location just to play pins, it's definitely more about the arcades!

I can highly recommend the Leeds site, apart from the fact it's close to the home of football ;) it's got loads of cool modern Japanese arcade cabs and most of the Sega Deluxe games from back in the day (Outrun, R360, Power Drift etc). If you do go there then definitely try out Tank! Tank! Tank! :thumbs:
Cheers for all the responses chaps. The trip is primarily for the arcade games on this occasion but caught the pinball big so strongly, any time I do manage to get out, I wanna play some pins too, lol!

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@windoesnot Yeah, I got that sense from reading some other mentions of the pins at Arcade Club in the past on here.

Shame really. I would’ve assumed a big venue like that which presumably cares for its arcade games, would also keep its pins well looked after?

I mean, the arcade games and the pins may well get a lot of play and faults would occur but some form of regular maintenance would be customary one might of thought.

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They're privately owned, not operator provided at both locations - I believe.

Arcade Club fixes its own games with their own people and they have a seriously high footfall, so even for games where I know the people in their employ are top notch and are ultra-enthusiastic; the games will sag by the end of the weekend every week just because of sheer use.

The wrinkle is that they don't have that kind of skilled technician in their staff for the pinballs and have to get help from the professionals of the pinball community every now and then. They absolutely care about their games and pinballs, but their video game guys seemingly aren't interested in developing the skillset required to look after the pinballs... to be fair it's more like classic car repair than pure electronics so I can sort of get it.

A good number of months ago I was chatting to someone I've unfortunately forgotten the name of who was keen to learn about looking after the machines, but he was still new to the process and we know there's a lot to learn. I'd gotten free drinks for the day off them because I adjusted a trough switch and replaced a fuse on their Addams Family... (nice bunch o' folks, but I already knew that before I offered to stick my grubby mitts into the TAF!)

That being said Arcade Club is seemingly making money hand over fist and is moving fast; their new Leeds venue seemingly exploded out of nowhere and it is almost as fully stocked as the Bury location, only missing out on pinball machine count. It's quite possible they have a guy that is as technical as their video people are, for their pinballs, since I'd chatted to them.

But there's nothing you can do about the games sagging by every Sunday afternoon unless you're doing it NLP style and are actively fixing mid-show.
@PBrookfield Thank you for the useful and insightful response. Makes a lot of sense. The complexity of arcade machines boggles my tiny feeble mind let alone the intricacies of pinball mechanics, so can appreciate quality pin-repair folk are likely a rare breed.

Very happy to hear that an arcade can be a such a big success in this modern day. Really looking forward to going. Cheers.

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Wasn't the owner/founder the subject of a TV documentary a few years back :hmm:
There's Pinball in Leeds?
I'm up there in Nov, probably no time to check it out though 😕
Leeds very recently had TWD, TNA and MM.

TWD and TNA had become unplayable late Sunday on the bank holiday weekend, but MM was soldiering on.
Highly Recommend. They have a Medieval Madness, Walking Dead, Baby Packman and a Total Annihilation but upper flipper did not work. I parked in Morisons, it had no time limit. Andy states that when AC is open there are no time limits anyway, but the info on the signs was inconclusive so i moved into Morisons. The Arcade is awesome. There are some fantastic old and new games all in A1 condition! - apart form the pin above. Going back soon.
The Bury one has swapped around their pins. They used to be in a room but with a re jig of the Japanese floor, they are now in the big room along the back wall. They have also dug out a few titles they used to have like Class of 1812. Probably got about 15-20 now.
Still not up to scratch, playing wise but better than they were.
The Bury one has swapped around their pins. They used to be in a room but with a re jig of the Japanese floor, they are now in the big room along the back wall. They have also dug out a few titles they used to have like Class of 1812. Probably got about 15-20 now.
Still not up to scratch, playing wise but better than they were.
They may still have a select couple of games on their upper floor by their bar - last time I was there, this was the TAF that I was meddling with as mentioned before, an RFM and a TZ
Ok been to both over the weekend.
Arcade club Leeds
Medival madness works fine
Bany Pacman works fine
TWD works fine
Tna turned off
The issue here fighting with under 18s for a game and a lot of 4 player games left on machines.
Arcade Club Bury
Revenge from mars turned off
Addams working
Sttng turned off
Super Mario Turned off
Scared stiff working
Terminator working
white water working
HS2 working
Dr who working
Jurassic park working
a few others I forgot
Lot more choice and over 18s area only with 15 or so machines and had tech guys working on machines at 9 pm on Thursday'
and a good chance something will be fixed on the spot.
There's Pinball in Leeds?
I'm up there in Nov, probably no time to check it out though 😕
Head Of Steam pub in Headingley has a Deadpool.
Shuffledog in Leeds City Centre has Addams Family, Metallica and Star Wars (Data East).
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