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Arcade 1up Virtual Pinball- thoughts?


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May 25, 2020
Hi guys, just wanted to pick the brains of anyone who’s knowledgeable about V pins- Saw an IGN video yesterday about a licenced 3/4 scale Marvel V pin from Arcade 1up- These are coming out in the US in September and run Zen pinball tables- Come with accelerometers, haptic feedback, digital plungers, 8” DMD, 24” screen and should be about £500-£600 imported. Is this a good deal? Not keen on Marvel but they’re doing a Williams table with AFM for the artwork. https://arcade1up.com/collections/cabinets/products/marvelpinball
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I build a lot of VP cabs. I liked the look of the AFM one but that was just a proto (no confirmation if they have the license for that art yet).

May see them in costco in the UK but do not hold your breath.

It is running androud on a small custom PCB - the screen is not 1080. For me I would rip everything out and put in a better PC running visual pinball (so I can update it).

Be tempted by the AFM IF it comes out, but I will grab one used after its been in someones garge for a few months - after the kids have got bored.

I do semi go with what @Neil McRae says - but on the other hand - it would be a fun project (I would have to install a back glass screen too - and a sub...)
Thanks both, as I suspected- the way they talked it up sounded too good to be true for sub $500. Just really liked the look of the Williams model and quite like Zen tables
It will be £600+ by the time it hits the shores here!

Or just grab one from costco and take it back saying you dont like it within so many weeks and they will refund you.
the arcade cabs were ok but designed for not alot of abuse. I managed to break one really easily. Having a pinball where you have to nudge all the time doesn't fill me with confidence but who knows it might be alright.
I think if they do a AFM or MM and it has an option to add your own roms on I’d be tempted. If there’s flipper lag or poor resolution then I’d want to upgrade it- was hoping it would be 1080 as that’s good enough for me
The systems are all on a single chip. You won’t be able to edit. They won’t get a license to do that.
Roms aren’t actually legal !
Android os will be locked. They’ve already said no download or upgrading options on them on an interview months ago
If they had PCs installed they’d cost 100s more.
Probably going to be a pass for me then- don’t want to be stuck playing the same 10 games
AtGames also releasing a pincab for similar cost.

Or the non-budget option seems to be this guy in Australia who has done all sorts of themes such as
The AtGames one sounds much better than the Arcade1up- quite like Pinball Arcade even though I find some games a bit floaty and some strange geometry going on. Bigger screen- nearly fully size height and if they did the art with a recent Stern theme like ST or GB they can take my money if it’s £700 ish. Not sure if Stern would allow that though if the quality is off or too similar look to the real thing. Cheers- didn’t know this existed!
I preordered one of these a while ago from Smyths for my games room- have a mame cab and it looks sweet next to it but not that comfortable for very long sessions. There’s a reliable seller on eBay who exports these from the US but they’re way more than the £45 I paid. Atari Star Wars looks the pick of the bunch https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264719161879
They teased SW at the CES 20 SW then brought out MARVEL....pah, no you can keep that, guess it was the licence that cost them.
After 1up stools, anyone know anywhere with stock?

They have Space Invaders stools in stock but you have to collect. I keep thinking I might drive over there and pick one up myself.
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Yeah this looks sweet- I heard they might try to produce their own conversion kit for this if it could be flat packed. I’m tempted by their four player NBA Jam for the modding potential, lit deck and marquee. They’re definitely going in the right direction since the first machines- I bought and quickly sold a SF2 as the sound was mono so missing half the soundtrack. The roms were set to coin munching mode and you couldn’t change them so I quickly got bored of getting my **** kicked. Also it was either loud or extremely loud on their preset switch- still hasn’t put me off getting a newer one though ;) Like the art packages on them- Miss Pac-Man would look good on display and much cheaper than buying an original.
After 1up stools, anyone know anywhere with stock?
Smyths are taking pre orders on the new wave arcade 1 up stools and cabinets. Just ordered a Turtles one for my Arcade. Some of the folks on here might like one for new Stern TMNT Pin? Good price compared to US prices.
Arcade 1Up games are for casual gamers. The build quality isn't great and they run emulation on lcd screens, so are never going to give you the real arcade experience. I recently picked up a Sega Blast City for the same price as a Arcade 1Up game and the difference is huge.20200621_220829_1.gif
Just for reference.
Arcade1up stuff ends up in CostCo as well.
The Pacman/Space invaders cabs with the VAT worked out to be £50 cheaper (each).
I wouldnt buy a cabinet. Get a used jamma cab and throw in a card / RPi or PC.
Arcade 1Up games are for casual gamers. The build quality isn't great and they run emulation on lcd screens, so are never going to give you the real arcade experience. I recently picked up a Sega Blast City for the same price as a Arcade 1Up game and the difference is huge.View attachment 111750

I have an Atomiswave - Awesome kit (tho i did pay a lot more).... It's running a Naomi2 with a Pi connected playing Naomi/Atomiswave games :)
One thing I notice about arcade 1 up stuff is that it is self assembly and like cheap argos furniture. I can image they will dent and chip very easily. I would not also shift one around assembled - I do not think they are that well built.
If I had one I would of added extra corner supports and glue it together.

A mame cab is a better plan people if you want an arcade cabinet.

If you want a virtual pin - dont buy one these.... buy a virtual pin or build one yourself.
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