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Anyone ever thought of a group owned machine?

Adrian Hufton

10 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Ellesmere Port,Cheshire
Don't all shoot me down in flames with this but has the idea of a group owned machine ever been considdered?

It seems to me that all of us on here have a passion if not obsession with pinball machines and most of us treat them better than anything else we treasure.

Most of you all know and trust each other and also know that if you lent your machine out to each other it would come back in the same condition if not better.

I would love other machines and more than the cash outlay (you always seem to find it) the problem i have and i would assume most of us has is space.

If say for example 10 people who really trusted each other threw £500 each in and bought a NIB and that machine would do the rounds and just cost the shipping price when it was your turn.

Yes an extra chip in for maintanance etc and contracts or gentlemens agreements would need to be drawn up surley it could work.

It may take time to do the rounds but i'm sure most of us have enough to play on until it is our turn.

Just a thought really.

I would happily farm my TAF out to a lot of you even though i have never met you and i would bet my teeth it would be better when i got it back, you just can't help it!!

Or maybe i'm too trusting but i don't think so.

Timeshare pin..... could work and when shareholders wanted out other members could have the option to buy in or current shareholders take a larger stake for longer playtime, things have been passed around and played with since the dawn of time
, you may be on to something, problem for me would be space, the last thing I want ATM is another machine turning up
It would be probably more for the likes of myself who can only have one or two pins. No disrespect to the people with loads of machines, and not saying it does not apply, but with the greatest of respect, you guys have probably had most of the machines you wanted at one time or another or will move one on to replace with another, you may be in the wonderful position to have your couple of absolute never get rid of machines, another couple you like but will swap and change etc.

I on the other hand have to choose so carefully because once i have my grail pin, that is it, i never want to get rid of it but there are so many more i would like to have or try but can never have because of lack of space. I would love a jokerz, or pinbot, i used to play them years ago, i could afford one but i can't have one and no way will i get rid of my TAF for one, but if one came up on ebay and half a dozen of us said well i fancy that but can't own it but let's buy it share it and when we're bored of it get rid and buy another one, happy days!

I hope i don't sound sour grapes because i'm not, You guys open your homes to us and invite us to play your machines and it's fantastic and makes what this group is all about, i would love to go to them all but work commitments make it difficult.

We are lucky to own even one pin, it's just such a drug you always want more!

Just hope you sort of understand where i'm coming from (my Mrs definately wouldn't!!!)

This idea had been floated about in the past, and did happen ,though nothing as grand as a NIB game .... a SF2 project :eek: (stop sniggering at the back) being bought and passed among a few people. I wasn't personally involved, and I'm not sure what ever happened to it.

A search on UKPinball prob bring up some relevant posts about it.

In a way if you are lucky enough to have a bunch of localish pinheads who swap/loan/store games around then you almost have the same thing without all the 'officialness' (is that a word ?? ) if you get my drift.

No reason though it couldn't work- just need someone to pull it together. I think the main problem is that especially for say a NIB, you need a fair few people and so ultimately if everyone had it for a few months then someone might be waiting 2 years to get a loan of it.
Having spoken to a few people, it sounds like the good option is to convince a lot of local mates that they want a machine. Then convince them they want the machine you would own if you had more space, no point in them owning the same machines as you is there.

My first attempt at this has just had an offer on a house accepted which he (with my influence) chose because it had a double garage we can turn into a pinball hall. I will probably help him fund his first table and maybe see if I can get a second one in there too.
If anyone has a Tommy to sell, we have a sensible budget.

We can then become pinball wing man, each of us fending the other ones wife/gf with regards to the money spent.....

I won't point out the person/people who gave me these ideas but they know who they are.
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