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Anybody live near cornwall?


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Be nice if someone could pick up a back glass for me and bring to the expo, beer tokens await..

Not going to NLP, but might be able to collect and bring up country to say London or Herts.

Where in Cornwall?
Postcode i have for it is: tr8 4bh
That's 1hr 45mins from me! Will need to find someone further West.
@Arv - might be able to assist in time - we make occasional family day trips down to Newquay for bodyboarding (would go down to surf, but never managed to stand up on the bloody things for more than a second and at my age lying down is so much more relaxing;)) and are due to make a trip before the end September, but that might be scuppered by the 'weight of expectation' on external decorating at home that needs to be completed before the weather turns. If I do make it down & can get it then I'm hoping to make it across to 'special when lit' in Salisbury for end of month (but decorating rules apply again!) - so could possibly pass to someone then who is going to NLP.

Failing family trips, we do some work on site down that way very occasionally - currently waiting on client go-ahead to install an A4 sign somewhere near Truro, so might be able to tie that in and get one of the guys to swing by Newquay on the way back (I'll make a note to chase client in the morning).

Lot of 'hopes'/'mights'/'maybes' in that, but happy to help if nothing else turns up in the meantime!
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