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And now, on with the show....


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I spent some time channeling my inner Will @SOUTH COAST SLAM and Dan @cooldan today so High Speed is gone despite having only been with me for about a month :)

In it's place is a Creech and I am am well pleased!!! :D Big thanks to Rav @Rav for making the drive up to Notts today and sorting the trade....good to see you today dude and hope it looks good next to your Getaway :thumbs:

It's going to need some work but I think I can make a nice one out of her. The two biggest things to sort are the flipper wear around the FILM inserts (I think this should be reasonably simple to touch up if I can match the turquoise colour) and the hologram is pretty much dead. Other than that its a lot of cleaning and fixing whatever I find. The game plays great as it is and there's no issues with it other than the cosmetic stuff. Here's a few pics....





Good to see you have got yourself the best machine ever.
Your going to fall in love with her , she's a cracker.

There is a decal available for the film area, it's just underneath you would have to sort out.
Or you can still get the repro playfield if you are feeling flush. In fact I have a used Playfield in very good condition if the touch up is to much.
Great choice of machine there Chris, I hope you like it as much as I do. Have fun.
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Nice ! Creature is one of only two machines I've sold on and missed. Looks a good mini project.
Nice one mate. I'm sure you'll do another one of your sterling jobs on it.
While you're tearing it down are you gonna put the lamps in the pops like our Geoff!!
Another option which I think looks better us to swap the Orange star posts, lane dividers and pop bumpers caps and skirts for teal.
Like the idea of the teal posts, pops, lane dividers and will probably do the lamps in the pop bumpers....I want to put the green bulbs in the curly ramp as well :)

I'm definitely going to need some new plastics in certain areas....already spotted one that's broken and another that's been riveted back together using a DESW one to keep it all together (I'll get a pic up of that) :D

In fact I have a used Playfield in very good condition if the touch up is to much.

I'll keep that in mind Daz, although as I'm still fighting with FG the thought of another pf swap at the moment isn't something I'd look forward to :) I would be interested in knowing what you've done lighting wise on yours (LED's, normal bulbs, colours and where etc)?
Good to see you have got yourself the best machine ever.
Your going to fall in love with her , she's a cracker.

There is a decal available for the film area, it's just underneath you would have to sort out.
Or you can still get the repro playfield if you are feeling flush. In fact I have a used Playfield in very good condition if the touch up is to much.
Great choice of machine there Chris, I hope you like it as much as I do. Have fun.
I have a brand new in box pf I may be tempted to part with if the machine floats yer boat and you wanna go down that route.
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