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AFM remake v's Original


Sep 29, 2018
So are any parts compatible between the remake and original?
Displays tranferable?

Do they play the same or is the remake a better game?
I’ve had 3 AFMs over the years and it’s a stunning Pin if you like the typical fan layout but last year I managed to play the remake down at tilt and I just loved the enhanced screen which sort of gave it a refresh.
You have to bear in mind the original PFs got hammered from the popper and 2 of mine had some well dodgy lens wear which was normal of this pin. So unless the original has had a new PF dropped in or been very skillfully restored my moneys on the new one for the same reasons I’ve ordered a MBr
That said if the price is right and you stuck with a budget then that will dictate the purchase but if you wallet is overflowing try check out the new one before biting the bullet.
Either way you can’t go wrong it’s a cracking pin and prices have dropped to realistic values since the remake just think of it as money in the bank you won’t lose unless you go NIB.
As for compatibility of parts others on here will know better but one things for sure the boards have been totally remade and brought upto date for the better.
My 2 penneth anyways
Don't know about parts compatibility but they play the same with the only difference being flipper feel IMHO. The remake feels like a Stern to me rather than B/W

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Yes the screen looks impressive on the remake. Why cant ColorDMD do that on the LCD?
mmmm It's a big difference in price between the two.
Both have pro's and con's - it's like marmite v bovril:D

AFMR is shiny, new, great topper, enhanced dots.

AFM is a stone cold classic.

I just prefer the feel of AFM - for me it just plays better, partly due to flipper feel ( an age old debate as old as the hills ;) ) and it just feels more solid, hard to explain really.
I have both a nice afm original and a afmr le copy, and feel as Ron says there is a difference in feel, both good but different
Having just 90's pins I guess I will stick with the decade.
Would love the new display/gfx though.
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