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Addicted :o


10 Years
Apr 7, 2013
I guess it's fair to say i'm well and truly addicted now.

The wife announced a few days back that she wants to move. We can't go too far from where we are now because we don't want to have to move our daughters school.

So i'm now looking at houses within a half mile radius of where we currently live.

Is it wrong that i'm looking at houses and thinking which one would have enough room for a dedicated Pinball room?

Found one which has 5 bedrooms one of which would be perfect. Plus it has a nice big garden so I can fit a shack in if needed.

Might suggest to the missus tonight that we get an appointment booked with the financial adviser.
I feel for you.

Considering taking crack instead; cheaper and less addictive.

Only got 2 machines (1 in pieces) and there's not enough room for them, but seriously eyeing up another 2. I know it's wrong, but...

Luckily mine's an Architect (sadly not one of those rich London types though) and she's drawn up plans for the replacement garage (current one is a pointless asbestos travesty) which includes a little toolshed/workshop, bike store (other hobby) and room for Pinballs & the Fruit machine. Bascially a 'get all my crap out the house' room. The only problem is funding, so i may have to store machines until it happens. Or i could put the funds for new machines towards the garage build, but then i wouldn't have those machines. Not sure i want the machines outside the house because they're less likely to be played casually. Ideally we build our own house, but that's decades away.

Life's so hard sometimes.
I was quite lucky, I didn't measure the width of my staircase but a pin goes up fine (sans head).

The garage is my next option once its insulated, could fit 5 more in there.
It's the best way to do it - GO BIG!!! It may be better to look at living in a warehouse though, that way it will take a while to fill it and you'll have open plan living :D
Discussing things with the wife over the weekend with a view to going to the advisor next week.

We're looking at converting the mortgage to a buy to let and then renting our current house out (already got someone interested in renting it from us). At the moment the missus is dead against buying another place in the area near where we currently live but i'm the opposite way round and dead against renting (dead money in my view). I'd rather us take a mortage on a place for a couple of years and at least that way we can benefit from any increase in price over the term and plough any gained equity into the next place.

But yeah, wherever we end up with i'll be looking closely at where the pins will go; and to be fair I think the missus would love them to be out of the way and not sat in one of the main rooms downstairs. Only downside is it might mean dropping the heads and carting them upstairs.
and to be fair I think the missus would love them to be out of the way and not sat in one of the main rooms downstairs. Only downside is it might mean dropping the heads and carting them upstairs.

Goes without saying, but just check the floor can handle the weight! She stopped me from putting them upstairs for that exact reason.
Absolutely :-)

One of the nice things about having the one is it means it's taken as a given that it needs a place at the new house. So we'll (or maybe I'll) be carefully looking to see which options work best. Hopefully once we get shifted I can start looking at picking one or two more machines up. My wish list seems to get longer every day.
Is it wrong that i'm looking at houses and thinking which one would have enough room for a dedicated Pinball room?

Of course not :)

If I ever get ahead of my finances and in a position to move, the absolute number one factor in the decision will be how much room I have to build a games-room as I am sick of having my machines spread over the four corners of the galaxy.

Machines upstair is also not a problem for any reasonably well built house. I have 4 pins, 3 vids and 2 coin up upstairs in the house currently and have had more in the past
Of course not :)

If I ever get ahead of my finances and in a position to move, the absolute number one factor in the decision will be how much room I have to build a games-room as I am sick of having my machines spread over the four corners of the galaxy.

Machines upstair is also not a problem for any reasonably well built house. I have 4 pins, 3 vids and 2 coin up upstairs in the house currently and have had more in the past

Also, Blackburn James has a few "upstairs"! :D

I need to stop looking at houses - found a few corkers but until I speak to our financial adviser I have no clue what our borrowing capacity is.

Could be an interesting few months ahead.
My advice .....get out now while there is *maybe* a chance ;)

I can tell you now how this *will* pan out........ you will find bigger space, you will fill it with machines, you will be happy.

Then one day you will realise you have no more space, but you are in deep now ...hell you have a collection ..you are a collector so that means you have to keep looking for more games, and you will buy more games, but you have no space so then you'll start doing crazy sh*t like stashing games under other games with some ridiculous notion that you might swap them in and out as you fancy, or you put them in what was previously a needed space ...like a doorway ....so everytime you want in and out of the room you have to move a game ...what fun !

Or you loan them out to friends to make space, which is fine until they say 'thanks here's yr game back' ....by which point the space that was made by loaning it out has long been filled by another game ....... one of your favourite games that you have wanted forever so you can't sell that one, and you can't sell your first one ...cos thats special...and you cant sell the one your wife likes because thats the one tiny reason that she lets you get away with this madness.

And one day you will break down in tears , you ..a grown man ..will be weeping because you have too many toys ...but you will dry your eyes, stop snivelling and return to scouring ebay and the pinball forums yet again to see if there are any bargains out there to put in your pinball 'space' , because you are a pinhead and thats *what* you *do* goddammit:cool:

So good luck with your future life :D At least you know you are in good company on here.
My advice .....get out now while there is *maybe* a chance ;)

I can tell you now how this *will* pan out........ you will find bigger space, you will fill it with machines, you will be happy.

Then one day you will realise you have no more space, but you are in deep now ...hell you have a collection ..you are a collector so that means you have to keep looking for more games, and you will buy more games, but you have no space so then you'll start doing crazy sh*t like stashing games under other games with some ridiculous notion that you might swap them in and out as you fancy, or you put them in what was previously a needed space ...like a doorway ....so everytime you want in and out of the room you have to move a game ...what fun !

Or you loan them out to friends to make space, which is fine until they say 'thanks here's yr game back' ....by which point the space that was made by loaning it out has long been filled by another game ....... one of your favourite games that you have wanted forever so you can't sell that one, and you can't sell your first one ...cos thats special...and you cant sell the one your wife likes because thats the one tiny reason that she lets you get away with this madness.

And one day you will break down in tears , you ..a grown man ..will be weeping because you have too many toys ...but you will dry your eyes, stop snivelling and return to scouring ebay and the pinball forums yet again to see if there are any bargains out there to put in your pinball 'space' , because you are a pinhead and thats *what* you *do* goddammit:cool:

So good luck with your future life :D At least you know you are in good company on here.

So funny... but so bloody true!!! :)

Appart from one thing....

And one day you will break down in tears , you ..a grown man ..will be weeping because you have too many toys AND NO MONEY AS EVERY PENNY GOES TOWARDS NEW MACHINES....

My advice .....get out now while there is *maybe* a chance ;)

I can tell you now how this *will* pan out........ you will find bigger space, you will fill it with machines, you will be happy.

Then one day you will realise you have no more space, but you are in deep now ...hell you have a collection ..you are a collector so that means you have to keep looking for more games, and you will buy more games, but you have no space so then you'll start doing crazy sh*t like stashing games under other games with some ridiculous notion that you might swap them in and out as you fancy, or you put them in what was previously a needed space ...like a doorway ....so everytime you want in and out of the room you have to move a game ...what fun !

Or you loan them out to friends to make space, which is fine until they say 'thanks here's yr game back' ....by which point the space that was made by loaning it out has long been filled by another game ....... one of your favourite games that you have wanted forever so you can't sell that one, and you can't sell your first one ...cos thats special...and you cant sell the one your wife likes because thats the one tiny reason that she lets you get away with this madness.

And one day you will break down in tears , you ..a grown man ..will be weeping because you have too many toys ...but you will dry your eyes, stop snivelling and return to scouring ebay and the pinball forums yet again to see if there are any bargains out there to put in your pinball 'space' , because you are a pinhead and thats *what* you *do* goddammit:cool:

So good luck with your future life :D At least you know you are in good company on here.
Yes. What ^he^ said.
So true what GrizZ has already said.

I would look for somewhere with a double garage and convert that, That way it keeps the wife happy that they are not in the house and if you do fill the garage (which you will) then you start on the house.
Hahaha, well the no money part i'm already used to thanks to previous divorces (yes, that's plural). But soon i'll have more funds so I need to find something to spend them on.......

I seriously understand what you're saying though. I suspect I might be hanging around this forum for some time to come. A mate of mine is already lining me up for his CV when he gets to the point where he can no longer resist an ACDC.
Hahaha, well the no money part i'm already used to thanks to previous divorces (yes, that's plural). But soon i'll have more funds so I need to find something to spend them on.......

I seriously understand what you're saying though. I suspect I might be hanging around this forum for some time to come. A mate of mine is already lining me up for his CV when he gets to the point where he can no longer resist an ACDC.
There's a bargin one for sale at the moment from T.V.'s Will Barber (South Coast Slam)
Yeah, i've already drooled all over that one. ;)

I'm waiting until I actually have room to set more than one Pin up at a time so i'll be hanging fire until we're moved. At the moment my will-power is strong and i'm sticking too it but there's no doubt that it's really tempting.
Hmmm. moving house - new mortgage. Pretty easy way to tack on an additional 20k to the borrowing and hey presto more pins

Sorry but you're doomed. Have you put Martin the Delivery Guy number in your phone yet? That's the point at which you know there is no escape...
Hmmm. moving house - new mortgage. Pretty easy way to tack on an additional 20k to the borrowing and hey presto more pins

Sorry but you're doomed. Have you put Martin the Delivery Guy number in your phone yet? That's the point at which you know there is no escape...

And when he drops something off....you say 'See you soon' ....cos you know you will :rolleyes:
Or you loan them out to friends to make space, which is fine until they say 'thanks here's yr game back' ....by which point the space that was made by loaning it out has long been filled by another game ....... one of your favourite games that you have wanted forever so you can't sell that one, and you can't sell your first one ...cos thats special...and you cant sell the one your wife likes because thats the one tiny reason that she lets you get away with this madness.

And one day you will break down in tears , you ..a grown man ..will be weeping because you have too many toys ...but you will dry your eyes, stop snivelling and return to scouring ebay and the pinball forums yet again to see if there are any bargains out there to put in your pinball 'space' , because you are a pinhead and thats *what* you *do* goddammit:cool:

hahahahaha this is so true :)
Yeah, i've already drooled all over that one. ;)

I'm waiting until I actually have room to set more than one Pin up at a time so i'll be hanging fire until we're moved. At the moment my will-power is strong and i'm sticking too it but there's no doubt that it's really tempting.
How many times have people said that, and when they have space or ready for the machine its gone and you wait forever for another one to turn up.
In this game you have to strike while the iron is hot otherwise you loose out and plenty on the group will agree.
If its there and its a good price and you want it BUY it cause it won't be there long at that price.
If you want it and have the money make room and buy it. You will wish you had once its gone.
Wife has been looking at houses on the iPad tonight. She commented how bad it was that she was looking where the Pinballs would go (note that's plural and I only have one so far).


Seen a few nice places in our price range. Ringing the financial adviser on Monday to get an appointment booked.
I built the wife a new kitchen back in 2012 so that I could free the space for the second pin. Five months later we ruined the space by sticking in the third one. After our wedding and honeymoon we looked at an extension but realised it was a short term fix and started house searching and made it happen (people move all the time and I have a mortgage advisor who can get you sorted).
I now have a room in the house that can take 12, a hallway that can take four and a room upstairs if I was stupid. I then have a workshop to work on them and a house office to keep all the bits and a garden with space to build a few shacks. I do however have no money, but when was that ever a limit to our addiction. ;)
There are far worse habits to have. I don't drink to excess, nor smoke so to me this is my major vice. Really excited now at the prospect of moving. I'm sure I'll be posting on here more regarding the move in the future.

First things first though eh?

Financial adviser on the phone come Monday. It's amazing just how many potential issues those guys seem to be able to overcome. We've doubled our income in the last couple of years so I'm pretty hopeful there will be no issue getting the mortgage in place.
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