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A new arrival in the Tiki Hut : CSI


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
since the inception of my new revolving-door policy, i have started to bring new games in. this time it's CSI, my first Stern game. i figured since it was by Pat Lawlor of TAF and TZ fame, it hadda be worth a punt -

CSI (3).jpg

i know as little about it as the rest of you. i'd played Nick's one at a major show last year (Slam? Party? one of those) then i played it again last week at Matt Adams' place, and traded for it. total time on it less than half an hour so far, but now it's a resident of the Tiki Hut and will be made welcome until the door begins to revolve again ......

CSI (5).jpgCSI (6).jpg

first impressions: there's lots on the playfield to aim for, and there are toys (microscope, centrifuge) and a third flipper, which is good. the playfield is completely minty as can be expected as it was only made in 2008 and has obviously had no public play to speak of. the cabinet is in perfect nick but is a bit meh, from that era where everything Stern did was a nasty photoshopped image.

the dots are typically Stern (think Spiderman and all that nonsense with different oranges merging into black, as black suit multiball starts) which more me means that they try too hard, and i just wish they'd go back to a nice simple but effective DMD policy, and give up all the showing off. having said that, the dots have plenty of showing off to do, with various microscope / DNA / evidence based imagery throughout. i sound like Martin now, don't I? i'm gonna hafta go check pinball news site now and see if he did a review......

ok i'll do it later

CSI (1).jpgCSI (2).jpg

the sound is good, loads going on, and if you can get past the voice of that annoying smug-faced wan_ker Grissom doing all the talking, then you can appreciate there's some black humour in it too.

CSI (7).jpgCSI (4).jpg

the gameplay is too early for me to comment, as i've only had it set up for an hour, but there's definitely loads going on up there. there are three different multiballs, and it's not mode based so you can just get on with aiming for multiballs (like Dracula) rather than having to finish various stories first. each of the multiballs has several levels in it, so you can go deep deep deep into the bowels of the maggots etc etc etc

so far i got the centrifuge and microscope multiballs, but not the skull one yet, and i had no idea what the jackpot shots were or what to aim for. the playfield helps you out with nice flashing lights but i think i'll go read the rulesheet tomorrow

There is a CSI in the Old Rep pub in Ipswich, had a quick go the other night and enjoyed it. Couldn't here the call outs due to the Mexican Marriachi band off the Doritos advert playing in the background:-)
I'm not on my period thanks.

Playing this CSI incessantly at the mo, trying to stack the skull and centrifuge MBs. I'm really enjoying it as I thought I would from previous play, the play field is really helpful at pointing out what to aim for, and I discovered some nice tricks to feed the left flipper by ignoring the middle one and letting it run to the inlane. I'll have to give Nick a bell for some tips

High score so far 30M.

Speaking of crap translites, surely the honour of the very worst goes to Shaq Ataq - that is staggeringly awful which I first thought to be an offensive joke.

I like the look of that CSI.
I'm not on my period thanks.

Playing this CSI incessantly at the mo, trying to stack the skull and centrifuge MBs. I'm really enjoying it as I thought I would from previous play, the play field is really helpful at pointing out what to aim for, and I discovered some nice tricks to feed the left flipper by ignoring the middle one and letting it run to the inlane. I'll have to give Nick a bell for some tips

High score so far 30M.

View attachment 1664

Lmao. Just so you realise. You have just owned up to having a mangina. :scared:
Good stuff Dan,

I owned a CSI for a little over a year. I found it a pretty brutal game with some excellent strategy. I don't know if you have read Eddie Mole's excellent write up that he did about the game over on pinside, but here it is http://pinside.com/pinball/archive/csi/stories/csi-investigated

I never managed to complete all 3 multiballs in the same game, I managed 2 plenty of times but that miscroscope multiball is so hard.

30M is a good score.

Have fun,

I like this game. There's one in Skegness that I used to frequent but last time I went it was beat to hell and barely playable.
congrats on the new machine :)
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