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3 new tabes on ipad Pinball Arcade


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 24, 2011
North West UK
Elvira and the Party Monsters, Harley Davidson and Taxi released today. Not my favourite 3 of the available tables, but nice additions nevertheless and I'm still really loving this app (especially the free play part, and that free play seems to reset each time you log back in).
Im really getting into Taxi too on the Ipad, in fact Elvira has surprised as well seems like a good table. Harley Davidson on the other hand I just cant get into. Not played it in real life but this version is terrible!
i tried these games too on my tiny ipod touch.

been playing elvira, mainly. not as good as tales of the arabian nights though.

TOTAN is great, another machine I would love to own!! Maybe one day....
i play this every day on my phone, love it to bits. i really like the instructions section with arrows on it which means i can learn new tables. i still spend most of my time on the Creech but sometimes go back for a helping of TOM or FH or CV when the mood takes me. Looking forward to learning EATPM and TAXI and NGG now - more long visits to the bog i think :cool:
im loving all the tables, is great to play ones you may never own. I would like to see them bring out a sleeve for the iPad to add real buttons. I have seen something similar on ebay but not sure if its compatible.

Tz next month
, oh wait getting slightly ahead of myself I mean Nov
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