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1stoppinball ~"~ Movember ~"~


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 24, 2012
With the ~"~ Movemeber ~"~ cause close to my heart I will be donating a % of profits to the cause, so buy something and you'll be supporting a good cause.
All rubber kits this month will also include a spare set of flipper rubbers.
Another £ 5 added to the cause thanks to the man with the FT.

Think the whole street will be lit up very soon , good job they are LED's and
use less power.... otherwise you lecky bill would be enormous :-)
I'm doing Movember along with some of the lads at work....it has become immediately apparent that a tash doesn't suit me :(
Look pretty stupid myself , but its for a good cause , we've got a guy at work who looks like a bloody mexican already after 6 day's , proably take me six weeks to look like that
Also on the Movember mission. I'll post a dodgy pic when there is something worth seeing!
Well it's the end of ~"~ Movember ~"~ and the tash is getting itchy , only 1 week to go as my club want a group photo and we don't meet until next Thursday.
Thanks to all those who bought some stuff during the month, I've dontated £ 50 to the cause so it was a good effort by everyone.
If anyone wants anything bringing to the Christmas Cracker meet let me know, I can't get a pass out so Greg Mott has kindly agreed to be the delivery man for me, all I'd ask is that payment is made up front so that the onus is not put on Greg to collect the money.
Short window of opportunity for this one so get your orders in quick and save youself some postal costs.
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