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  1. Nutty

    WPC Lamp Matrix to Arduino

    I want to use an opto isolator on the lamp matrix. I have a Getaway and I want to interface the traffic lights Red Amber Green to 3 inputs on an Arduino I am looking for suggestions of a simple circuit using using 3 x 4n25
  2. PeteB

    Anyone with a Getaway take a photo please?

    So I've got a Getaway which I'm busy trying to repair and the wiring to the ball trough switches are an absolute mess. Somebody really did a job on it Could anyone with a working Getaway take and post up some photos of the playfield underside, showing the wiring to the ball trough switches...
  3. M

    SOLVED The Getaway HS2 - Traffic Light Issue

    Hi all, I've only recently acquired this machine, and it's mostly working great, however the green lamp on the central traffic light flickers when playing. It's had all LEDs fitted (before I got it) and I've swapped the LED (including the holder) with a known working one and I still have the...
  4. Nutty

    Fuse blown !

    I have The Getaway, I was fitting some LEDs etc and a screw fell down through the underside of the playfield not to be seen for a while. After switch on the plunger didn`t work, not knowing about the screw I checked the vio/org, yel/brn & blk 0v cables going to the plunger coil and up to the...
  5. Nutty

    I Think I have wrecked my DMD

    Can anyone shed some light on this. I had the bottom line out on my Getaway DMD, I soldered it twice but it only lasted an hour or so. Reading around I did the dremel attack on it carving out the glass to do the link with conductive paint. When I was working on it I exposed the faulty contact...
  6. bluejonny

    The Getaway - diverter not working

    Hi everyone To be fair, I have asked this question of Andy Legend over email, but he is taking a break (probably well earned!) so in my desperate attempt to get it up and running so I can play on this brilliant game I thought I would ask here! So the diverter has stopped working - just...
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