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  1. Goodwinsplace

    In Progress Gremlins - Goodwins Place Homebrew Pinball Log

    Hi All, Excuse the generic title, I don't have a theme or anything else to hook you in yet! I'm Craig, I've been running my own YouTube channel for a few years working on retro console mods and repairs. I'm kicking off my homebrew pinball machine build, everything pretty much from 0 knowledge...
  2. Monkeyboypaul

    Shameless non-Pinball plug - Building the Dream on More 4 - 7th Feb 2017 @ 9pm

    https://www.facebook.com/BuildingtheDreamTV/?hc_ref=SEARCH This is one of my better half's designs - albeit compromised by client budget constraints and some other contentious issues - it really has been a ball-ache of a project spanning 2yrs. But it's on TV! (if you count More4 as proper TV)...
  3. E

    An Interesting Peripheral

    I have recently discovered the wonderful world of pinball, and while I do not have the money to purchase a table of my own - I do own a VIVE virtual reality headset with a couple of pinball games. However realistic virtual reality is, it doesn't feel quite the same to play with a normal xbox...
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