I know there have been some amazing examples of fix-ups and shop logs for IJ but I will post mine here to share the adventure with others.
This IJ comes via Replicas but was apparently in a French Cafe for a good number of years. Replicas was going to make this one special but time and space has meant he has passed on the project to me.
Replicas has included some of the parts he has collected to make this one special and so this is going to be my biggest project yet. I have done full strip downs on the play field on my two other machines but this is going to go to another level.
The play field will be stripped, mylar removed, treasure cove polished, all metal parts tumbled, replaced or re-plated, new screws, posts and rubbers. Anything that is not in serviceable condition will be replaced. The cabinet will be rubbed down, repaired and new decals fitted. The lockdown and side bars might be replaced with gold/bronze coated parts depending on the future wife's taste as this one is being done for her.
It has some years of grime but is in very good condition considering it's life, it has honest plastics and original parts which is where I like to start a project. The plan is to spend the next few weeks learning and fixing the machine so it fully works (not long until my wedding so I need a distraction).
I have found some interesting bodges and fixes so far and noted some issues so it is time to start the Pinball Adventure.
With a blue sky overhead (which is caused by the light coming through the plastic roof of Martin The Delivery Man's Van), the machine arrives
The machine was well wrapped for transportation and quickly dropped into the pinball loading area in the hall way
The kitchen door is too narrow so some machine needs to occur to get a machine into the man cave. I haven't finished decorating the door space until I work out how make it wider without damaging the kitchen walls.
The rule is I can have my pinballs in the man cave and as long as it doesn't effect the kitchen the Lady of the house won't complain. But it wasn't really fitting no matter how hard I tried. The gun launch is very dangerous to male genitals and the freezer door didn't open.
CoolDan came over for some PCB work and we stumbled on a better way to set it up, and as I am claiming this is her machine, "my pinballs" are not in the kitchen part but hers are. Problem solved.
A shot of the play field for people to let me know what is missing or parts they have to sell
The play has seen better days and have clearly been repair at some point but is now being held together by dirt. If anyone has a minty one for sale let me know
The apron is in good condition but the decals are not, Replicas sent me some so this is an easy thing to fix
The play field has mylar over the main areas that has worn through over the years leaving some interesting cracks and marks but what looks like a good play field beneath
Cracked mylar and a broken slingshot plastic
Plastics are original but have scratches, metal is dirty and bolts and screws have fur on them. Cleaning them is going to be a pleasure
The centre targets are broken and I will be needing to buy some of them. The plastic behind is a mess with tape but Replicas has supplied me that.
There is a bracket on the right but nothing on it?? I wonder what went there.
The top play field is in perfect condition, mainly because the ball never gets in there due to a solenoid problem
The solenoid for the top lockup post was holding the plunger/post when energised and never let go. The coil appears to have seen better days and has selotape holding it together. You can see the windings and it doesn't look safe.
The question is, is it likely just the coil shorting or is there also a problem with the transistors?
Sadly I don't have another A-15943 coil to quickly test it and therefore can't be sure. The bad coil has now been removed so we can safely play the game with the top play field feature not coming into play.
There is a line out on the DMD and it appears to have already had the legs replaced with wire so I shall see if I can fix it or get a replacement at some point.
The wanted/parts list so far:
I will add to this list the issues and fixes as I do them, just to capture the experience for future generations.
This IJ comes via Replicas but was apparently in a French Cafe for a good number of years. Replicas was going to make this one special but time and space has meant he has passed on the project to me.
Replicas has included some of the parts he has collected to make this one special and so this is going to be my biggest project yet. I have done full strip downs on the play field on my two other machines but this is going to go to another level.
The play field will be stripped, mylar removed, treasure cove polished, all metal parts tumbled, replaced or re-plated, new screws, posts and rubbers. Anything that is not in serviceable condition will be replaced. The cabinet will be rubbed down, repaired and new decals fitted. The lockdown and side bars might be replaced with gold/bronze coated parts depending on the future wife's taste as this one is being done for her.
It has some years of grime but is in very good condition considering it's life, it has honest plastics and original parts which is where I like to start a project. The plan is to spend the next few weeks learning and fixing the machine so it fully works (not long until my wedding so I need a distraction).
I have found some interesting bodges and fixes so far and noted some issues so it is time to start the Pinball Adventure.
With a blue sky overhead (which is caused by the light coming through the plastic roof of Martin The Delivery Man's Van), the machine arrives
The machine was well wrapped for transportation and quickly dropped into the pinball loading area in the hall way
The kitchen door is too narrow so some machine needs to occur to get a machine into the man cave. I haven't finished decorating the door space until I work out how make it wider without damaging the kitchen walls.
The rule is I can have my pinballs in the man cave and as long as it doesn't effect the kitchen the Lady of the house won't complain. But it wasn't really fitting no matter how hard I tried. The gun launch is very dangerous to male genitals and the freezer door didn't open.
CoolDan came over for some PCB work and we stumbled on a better way to set it up, and as I am claiming this is her machine, "my pinballs" are not in the kitchen part but hers are. Problem solved.
A shot of the play field for people to let me know what is missing or parts they have to sell
The play has seen better days and have clearly been repair at some point but is now being held together by dirt. If anyone has a minty one for sale let me know
The apron is in good condition but the decals are not, Replicas sent me some so this is an easy thing to fix
The play field has mylar over the main areas that has worn through over the years leaving some interesting cracks and marks but what looks like a good play field beneath
Cracked mylar and a broken slingshot plastic
Plastics are original but have scratches, metal is dirty and bolts and screws have fur on them. Cleaning them is going to be a pleasure
The centre targets are broken and I will be needing to buy some of them. The plastic behind is a mess with tape but Replicas has supplied me that.
There is a bracket on the right but nothing on it?? I wonder what went there.
The top play field is in perfect condition, mainly because the ball never gets in there due to a solenoid problem
The solenoid for the top lockup post was holding the plunger/post when energised and never let go. The coil appears to have seen better days and has selotape holding it together. You can see the windings and it doesn't look safe.
The question is, is it likely just the coil shorting or is there also a problem with the transistors?
Sadly I don't have another A-15943 coil to quickly test it and therefore can't be sure. The bad coil has now been removed so we can safely play the game with the top play field feature not coming into play.
There is a line out on the DMD and it appears to have already had the legs replaced with wire so I shall see if I can fix it or get a replacement at some point.
The wanted/parts list so far:
- A-15943 coil
- Bi-plane
- Drop targets
- NOS slingshot plastics
- All new star posts
- Credit Button
- Buy-In Button
I will add to this list the issues and fixes as I do them, just to capture the experience for future generations.